Urban Magnetic Levitation- a form of rail that is truly 21st century technology, is being advanced in many countries. South Korea just finished a symposium on it. Please read the keynote speaker's update on MagLev production - RAIL DONE RIGHT.
Here is a video I made of steel-wheel-on-steel rail as it traversed through Fruitvale, California. The end of the video reflects the noise level we will have to endure every few minutes when a train car goes by if we go with steel rail. In contrast, MagLev is ultra quiet, costs less, and is much easier to maintain. Note: UHWO Chancellor Awakuni stated he was against rail stations on campus due to the sound disturbances it will generate.

Here is a video depicting students from Ewa Makai Middle School who examined the rail and were trying to wake us adults up that there is a better way.

If you want rail done right, please join me and submit testimony to stop the steel rail blunder and support Resolution 11-328 that allows HART to embark on the rail project - just not deploy steel-wheels-on-steel-rails. If the lawsuit to stop the rail is not successful, this reso is the best chance we got to get a superior rail project up and running. The hearing is this Wednesday, November 2, at Kapolei Hale starting at 10:00 a.m. You can submit testimony online - see agenda here that explains.
Want a public firing range on our side of the island? Want to see our economy grow in West Oahu with a world-class paintball complex? Want to see a task force tackle flooding on the Leeward Coast? Have a position on the Waianae Sustainable Communities Plan? Want Ethics Reform (see posting below) at City Hall for council members? Then come on down to Kapolei Hale and testify. Share your opinion on these matters and more this Wednesday, November 2, starting at 10:00 a.m. See agenda. Note: At 8:30 a.m. the Council will provide a congratulatory certificate to John Bond, an area historian trying to preserve the Ewa Air Field - a WWII battleground in Kalaeloa. The public is welcome to attend the ceremonial proceedings.
This past Friday and Saturday night, students from the high schools aforementioned above volunteered at "Spookalooza" - an event put on by the Hawaiian Railway Society. Monies raised went toward restoration and preservation of the historic rail operations in Ewa - and I too, volunteered at this event. Here is a video for your enjoyment.

I have introduced Reso 11-327 that if passed, would place on the ballot for the 2012 election, a YES or NO choice for the voters as to decide if council members should abstain from voting where a level of conflict of interest is present. Currently, all council members are able to vote on any measure regardless how much of a conflict of interest may be present.
Please show support for this initiative that is to be heard November 2 at Kapolei Hale and consider testifying in support. As with all ballot question measures, six votes are needed at each stage to keep it moving - and tomorrow's vote is crucial as the reso goes up for First Reading.
When Waipahu had three City Council members representing them, the Waipahu community benefited - they now have two council members fighting for them. Dividing up Waipahu did not hurt them, but rather gave them more power. Ewa Beach has a great opportunity in this latest redistricting plan to get a second voting member to sit on the Honolulu City Council. This would empower Ewa Beach and make it stronger - giving it more say at City Hall. This would mean two votes out of nine to fight for traffic relief, repairing of roads, and on and on for the growing area. Please show your support for that added council seat by attending the November 10, City Reapportionment meeting to be held at Honolulu Hale at 4pm.
In contrast, I will be at the meeting requesting to the commissioners that the historic Ewa Villages community not be cut into two sections since their association bylaws have to be reviewed and approved by the City and also the State Historical Preservation Division when amendments to governing documents for the association are proposed. This historic district is the only one of its kind in the entire State and when I applied for grant monies to preserve the Manager's Mansion years ago, having the district remain contiguous in one council district for CIP's and processing forms for awards and grants at the federal level was paramount. Therefore, I ask for your support to plea to the commissioners with me that the dividing line as it is currently being proposed, should be changed from the plan that depicts Renton Road as the line separating Council District One with Council District Nine, and rather make that dividing line be Geiger Road instead. This change to remove Renton Road as the split in favor of Geiger Road would ensure that historic Ewa Villages with its unique circumstances and features remains in one district for grant writing purposes to perpetuate the preservation of this historic community and its assets.
For example, when Ewa by Gentry or Ocean Pointe community associations want to change their bylaws, outside of recordation, the City, State, and Federal entities do not play a part, unlike historic Ewa Villages where all agencies imaginable have a say to some degree. For more details - check out the website.
