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The agenda is out for the May 9th full council meeting that is to be held at the Pali Golf Course Banquet Room. Click here to review agenda.
Agenda item of interest reso 12-59
REPEAL HONOLULU AUTHORITY FOR RAPID TRANSPORTATION (HART) - this is a ballot initiative that would let you, the voter, decide if the rail project should continue on its spending spree.
To be clear, this not about whether or not you think genetically modified food is good or bad, but to rather label it. The latest video is a compilation of testimony that had resolution 12-57 passing committee in early April - see video by clicking here. The vote to adopt reso 12-57 before the full council on April 25 was a tie- 4 to 4; with Councilman Chang absent. There may an effort on May 9 to not have the resolution filed, but rather to have the reso recommitted back to committee to initiate a procedure to break the tie vote . . . how Councilman Chang would vote is the factor. If you want GMO's labeled in your food, contacting Councilman Chang (schang@honolulu.gov) would be in order - asking him to not file the resolution, but supporting its passage.
