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A constituent asked I look into this new technology- turning our roads into solar power. Here is an email I received explaining the effort at hand:
Hi Tom,
Here are all of the video links:
TEDx Talk
CNN: Start Small, Think Big
CNN: Edge of Discovery
CNN: Solutions
Senator Crapo's endorsement
Michele's Film
This one is a three-minute video done by a Hollywood film crew.
There are high resolution pictures and images here.
We completed a Phase II SBIR (Small Business Innovative Reseach) contract with the Federal Highway Administration in 2010. After seeing the results, they invited us back to apply for Phase II funding - that was awarded last July. It's a 2-year contract to continue our research and development and to create a prototype solar parking lot here at our electronics lab. We've broken ground and I can share the progress pictures during our presentation. It won't be completed until some time in September if you'd rather hold off until later. We're already discussing a potential Phase III with the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration.
Let us know what else you need.
After successful completion of a Phase I SBIR (Small Business Innovative Research) contract, Solar Roadways Incorporated has been awarded a follow-up $750,000 Phase II SBIR contract by the Federal Highway Administration. Solar Roadways - A Real Solution
Note from Berg: I sent Council Chair Ernie Martin a memo to consider sponsoring a public presentation for us. I will apprise you of his response as soon as it comes available. Read the memo - click here.
