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It has come down to this . . . if you are pro rail, did you watch these youtubes I made? Please know this:

The mainstream media makes its money off of the rail propaganda going on and the mainstream media is not going to expose the faults, fleecing, scams, and corruption already tainting this rail project. This email comes to you in good faith . . . please, watch these youtubes and consider that I too, was once for this rail. However, after a little digging, I found out this rail project has nothing to do about resolving traffic, but rather is one big scam and scheme to rip off the tax payer for generations to come . . . the list of youtubes I have made on this subject is compiled below for your edification - a one stop shop so to speak.

Mahalo for your understanding why I cannot endorse a rail plan that has gone bad and has done nothing more than act as a ploy to funnel money into campaigns to fleece us. The list of emails below is just a fraction of what I have produced on this - for more - please go to my youtube channels - TBERGHAWAII and BERGDRAFT, and my website: www.councilmanberg.com to see the full expose of youtubes I have made on the rail endeavor.



























Councilman Tom Berg | Honolulu Hale | 530 S. King Street Room 202 | Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
TEL: (808) 768-5001 | WEB: www.councilmanberg.com | E-MAIL: tberg@honolulu.gov

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