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Friendly reminder about tomorrow's (Wednesday September 12) full City Council hearing starting at 10 a.m. - click here for agenda. Our office is congratulating at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow the Kapolei Girls Softball Team that finished THIRD - see write-up here and presenting the team and coaches with a congratulatory certificate. To read the certificate- click here.
Also, the retrofitted shipping container for housing resolution I introduced is also up for passage tomorrow. See details by clicking here.
NEW! I have introduced Bill 57 and it will be up for First Reading tomorrow and your support would be appreciated. The bill if passed, would increase the chances of cats and dogs surviving the impound ordeal and deter the "factory type" euthanization process of unwanted animals left to die in certain shelters. There are many people volunteering their resources and time to save animals and they are asking for our help. Bill 57 is a proposal to do just that.
Another piece of legislation of interest to you may be Resolution 12-206 that is up for adoption tomorrow. This is the Order and Decorum measure that many have coined it to be the "Stop Berg From Exposing The Truth" resolution. This resolution if passed, is meant to threaten councilmembers into submission. The reason I support the resolution, is that it allows the accused to defend oneself and state their side of the story.
When the Council Chair removed my voting privileges from two committees last month, I was never afforded the opportunity in public, nor was the public itself, able to comment and testify about it. Now, if this reso passes, I or any councilmember for that reason, can explain their outbursts and expose the deceit and corruption on this rail project and help get the word out.
For example, I exposed the property acquisition scandal and certain members of the council did not want the media and you to be apprised of it. The subject matter in this youtube resulted in me being penalized for trying to get the truth out there on this rail scam and hence, the introduction of Resolution 12-206. Here is a youtube that explains:

I submitted testimony to the email address: hawaiicleanenergypeis@ee.doe.gov. If you want to know more, please consider reading Resolution 12-170 that I introduced to put a stop to Smart Meters in Hawaii. More information is pasted below:
The U.S. Department of Energy is throwing a huge net out into the sea of public opinion to see what they will catch. They are holding eight (8) Statewide Scoping Meetings for the "development of guidance to use in future funding decisions and other actions to support Hawai'i in achieving the goal established in the Hawai'i Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI)."
The Hawai'i Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI) covers: mass transit (buses, RAIL, HOV Lanes), Taxpayers/Ratepayers financing of HECO's stranded costs, Smart Meters, Smart Grids, Time-of-Use Rates, Ending the Net Metering Program, Using agricultural land to grow biofuels, federal tax breaks for palm oil biodiesel, Automatic Approval, Expedited Approvals, Limiting role of energy stakeholders in regulatory proceedings, Undersea inter-island cables, Expanding geothermal and biomass-fired generation, Market based greenhouse gas regulation, Balancing climate change mitigation burdens, Guaranteeing Revenue streams to the utility if demand falls (decoupling), Oahu ratepayers subsidize Neighbor Island ratepayers, BIG WIND, Exempting HECO from PURPA, Decreasing vog requirements, Hydrogen. Liquefied Natural Gas, Off-shore Wind Farms, Hydroelectric, and Garbage-to-Energy Power Plants among other things.
Public scoping meetings for the federal Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS)
Sept. 11, 5:00-8:30 pm:
O'ahu, McKinley High School,
1039 South King St., Honolulu
Sept. 12, 5:30-9:00 pm:
Kaua'i, Kaua'i War Memorial Convention Hall, 4191 Hardy St., Lihue
Sept. 13, 5-8:30 pm:
Hawai'i, Kealakehe High School, 74-5000 Puohulihuli St., Kailua-Kona
Sept. 14, 5-8:30 pm:
Hawai'i, Hilo High School, 556 Waianuenue Avenue, Hilo
Sept. 17, 5:30-9 pm:
Maui, Pomaika'i Elementary School,
4650 S. Kamehameha Avenue, Kahului
Sept. 18, 5-8:30 pm:
Lana'i, Lana'i High & Elementary School,
555 Fraser Avenue, Lanai City
Sept. 19, 5:30-9 pm:
Molokai, Mitchell Pau'ole Community Center,
90 Ainoa Street, Kaunakakai
Sept. 20, 5-8:30 pm:
O'ahu, James B. Castle High School,
45-386 Kaneohe Bay Drive, Kaneohe
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 155 / Friday, August 10, 2012 / Notice
The Hawai'i Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI) Energy Agreement
I have requested the NAVY extend the comment period for you to weigh in on the proposed solar farm in Kalaeloa- read letter I sent by clicking here. Many of us won the battle early on by testifying against putting a solar farm on the sacred WWII Ewa Air Field Battle Site. Testimony was due last week, but you can still chime in. Contact our Council District One Legislative Aide, John Bond at his email address: jbond@honolulu.gov for more information.
With all of the attention going to the iwi court case VICTORY that proved the city's rail proponents are simply out to make a buck no matter what laws are in their way, the court case involving some $234 million in savings is at stake and is still underway with little media coverage. See my e-newsletter blast from months ago to get the background - click here. I put in a call to Bombardier today to get an update on this court case and will apprise you once I get the status. Did you know that HART is still authorizing Ansaldo to continue building the rail cars in California even though the Cayetano lawsuit and the Bombardier lawsuit is still pending? Got recklessness? This rail project has been mishandled by the city from day one and at the cost of all of us expecting traffic relief. Please consider reading another email blast I sent earlier that offers commuters stuck on the H-1 Freeway with a superior traffic congestion reliever option - click here.
