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No sour grapes here on my part - but you need to know that your new council person elect, never testified on this important subject plaguing the Leeward Coast, and that she never showed up to any of the hearings regarding both the Waimanalo Gulch Sanitary Landfill 15-year extension proposal, or even the Blue Ribbon Panel process to select the next landfill site on Oahu after Waimanalo reaches its capacity.

In contrast, I fought for you each step of the way in the last two-years keeping you apprised of every hearing, and testifying, showing up at those hearings to do my best to keep landfill operations out of our Leeward Coast area.

I made a short 2-3 minute youtube for you to apprise you that the decision to extend the life of the Waimanalo Gulch Sanitary Landfill by 15-years may transpire on the 19th of December. Will you show up? Or do you expect your elected officials to show up on your behalf . . . ? I did just that time and time again but the voters elected someone that never did show up. So be it.

If you want to mount a protest and hold signs, do press releases, rally, get the media there - you tell me. For I fought like the dickens to stop landfills . . . came up with solutions that passed the Council to make landfills obsolete . . . I have tracked this for over 10-years and have worked hard to make certain we stand united to say - enough is enough. Stop dumping on our side.

However, you elected someone to replace me that never gave testimony on this matter, never showed up to a hearing, and never walked the talk. In fact, you elected a new councilperson to represent you that took thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from landfill operators just weeks ago. So be it.



Councilman Tom Berg | Honolulu Hale | 530 S. King Street Room 202 | Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
TEL: (808) 768-5001 | WEB: www.councilmanberg.com | E-MAIL: tberg@honolulu.gov

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