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This Tuesday - April 3, is a big day for us on the Leeward Coast and island wide when it comes to City Council action to be taken. All measures referenced below can be read in the text of the accompanying agenda - and from there you can navigate for more information.
At 9:00 a.m. for the committee on Safety, Economic Development and Government Affairs - click here to view agenda - Resolution 12-57 is to be heard that tries to get foodstuffs that contain Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) properly labeled so consumers know what they are buying- so they have a choice - so they can make an informed decision on such purchases. It is simply called, "The Right to Know." The right to know is not about making a claim GMO's are good or bad, rather, it is about advancing consumer rights.
At 10:30 a.m. - for the Parks and Cultural Affairs Committee - please click here to view the agenda. I have authored Resolution 12-80 and Bill 22 that are designed to stimulate our economy in West Oahu. We have the Leeward Kai Father's Day Regatta at Nanakuli Beach Park and also the Ahi Fever Fishing Tournament at the Waianae Boat Harbor - both are huge events that infuse money into the Leeward Coast economy . . . and special events like these need our help to continue running smoothly . . . Bill 22 will do just that.
And please take note - the BLUE SPOT, as was contained within the Waianae Sustainable Communities Plan that sought to designate a regional park in the Nanakuli area, will be discussed in the form of Resolution 12-75 and voted upon in the Parks and Cultural Affairs Committee.
Then at 1:00 p.m. - the full Council will conduct a Special Meeting and vote on the Makaha Bridge replacement project- Resolution 11-282. Click here to view the agenda.
